Booking with Kensington is easy. Select property you want to book, choose check-in and check-out date, select how many guest you bring together, click book now, and then pay the charge.
Some real estate impose non-refundable fees in line with their own policies that Kensington is required to pass on to you. Please note that some room types are non-refundable from the time they are booked. Additionally, hotels will generally charge a higher fee if cancellation occurs within 24 to 48 hours of the scheduled arrival. ...
You will need to request a document from the hotel showing the date and time of departure and the amount the hotel intends to bill you for your stay. Please contact our Customer Care Team on 0800 083 4000 (operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) in order to request a refund.
Usually check-in is from 2PM, although this does vary by hotel. You may be able to arrange for an earlier/later than the stated check-in time with most hotels but you should always confirm with the hotel as this can’t be guaranteed. Some hotels may charge extra for an early/late or out of hours’ check-in so...
Please print a copy of your confirmation e-mail to present at check-in as proof of your reservation. You may also need to provide photo ID and the card used at the time of booking.
As a buyer, you have the option to perform a final walk-through. Is a final walk through a requirement? NO. Is a final walk through necessary? YES. Generally when buying a home several weeks go by between when you last walked through your home. Lots of things can change during that time. When doing a...
This question is often asked and is a simple answer. The answer is, there is no specific number of homes you should look at before buying a home. Don’t feel that if you were to purchase the first home you look at that you’re making a mistake. Same can be said if it takes you...
The biggest benefit to buying a home before selling your current home is the fact that you have a suitable property lined up. This can reduce the stress and pressure of having to find a home once your current home is sold. This however also can create disappointment and heartbreak. If you are unable to...
Buying a home can be a very solid investment. This being said, renting can also be a better option for some, depending on the circumstances. The current interest rates are incredible. A 30-year FHA mortgage can be locked in at a rate of around 3.5%. Since the interest rates are so low, it actually can...
First and foremost, talking with a bank before looking at homes can help you understand exactly how much you can afford. There is no reason to look at homes that are listed for $250,000 if you can only afford up to $200,000. If you’re a first time home buyer, talking with a bank before looking...