How do I make a booking?

Booking with Kensington is easy. Select property you want to book, choose check-in and check-out date, select how many guest you bring together, click book now, and then pay the charge.

Can I cancel my property booking?

Some real estate impose non-refundable fees in line with their own policies that Kensington is required to pass on to you.  Please note that some room types are non-refundable from the time they are booked. Additionally, hotels will generally charge a higher fee if cancellation occurs within 24 to 48 hours of the scheduled arrival. ...

What time can I check-in to my room?

Usually check-in is from 2PM, although this does vary by hotel.  You may be able to arrange for an earlier/later than the stated check-in time with most hotels but you should always confirm with the hotel as this can’t be guaranteed.  Some hotels may charge extra for an early/late or out of hours’ check-in so...

Do I need to do a final walk-through?

As a buyer, you have the option to perform a final walk-through. Is a final walk through a requirement? NO. Is a final walk through necessary? YES. Generally when buying a home several weeks go by between when you last walked through your home. Lots of things can change during that time. When doing a...

How many homes should I look at before putting in a purchase offer?

This question is often asked and is a simple answer. The answer is, there is no specific number of homes you should look at before buying a home. Don’t feel that if you were to purchase the first home you look at that you’re making a mistake. Same can be said if it takes you...

I own a home, should I buy another before selling my current home?

The biggest benefit to buying a home before selling your current home is the fact that you have a suitable property lined up. This can reduce the stress and pressure of having to find a home once your current home is sold. This however also can create disappointment and heartbreak. If you are unable to...

Should I buy or continue to rent?

Buying a home can be a very solid investment. This being said, renting can also be a better option for some, depending on the circumstances. The current interest rates are incredible. A 30-year FHA mortgage can be locked in at a rate of around 3.5%. Since the interest rates are so low, it actually can...

Should I talk with a bank before looking at homes?

First and foremost, talking with a bank before looking at homes can help you understand exactly how much you can afford. There is no reason to look at homes that are listed for $250,000 if you can only afford up to $200,000. If you’re a first time home buyer, talking with a bank before looking...

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